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Memorial Ashford Girls Softball Association

Important dates

When will I find out what team I am on and who will be our coach?

After evaluations, coaches will select their players and then will contact you to let you know when practices will start.  This usually takes place by mid February.  

When will practices and games start and end?

MAGSA's main session runs from February through May with the first month devoted to practices twice a week.


How are team rosters selected?

6U and 8U teams are selected by the managers. There is no draft, so the same group of girls can play together up through 8U.  Beginning with 10U, players are drafted by the managers, mostly to equalize pitching. Each 10U coach can preselect up to four players.  The manager' daughter and and 1 coach's daughter are preselected. Also at 10U we require skill evaluations to assist managers with the draft process. This skill evaluation usually occurs on a Saturday near the end of January.

Can I play with my friends?

That depends.  For younger players, we allow friends to stick together.  As players get older, we use a draft to ensure that teams are competitive and evenly matched.  Hence, in 8U we allow for most players to stick together with their friends.  For 10U and 12U+, we hold to a strict draft.

Are there scholarships available?

Yes. If you wish to apply for a scholarship, send a request by email to the league president at [email protected].  We will let you know if you qualify.  In general, we want any girl that is really interested in learning and playing softball to get an opportunity to play in MAGSA; however, we want scholarships to go to those who truly need the help.  Of course, we will keep scholarship recipients confidential. We also have a donation bin with gently used softball equipment available on a first come first serve basis. 

What if I want a refund?

Our goal is to be flexible and fair.  Any reasonable situation which arises, we will respond to.  We ask for you to understand our needs of a time frame wherein we can fairly respond. Prior to teams being formed, a 25% administrative fee will be assessed for all refunds.
Once teams have been formed and uniforms ordered, barring highly unusual or unforeseen circumstances, refunds will NOT be issued.
If you can, we encourage the fee to be donated back towards the league for scholarships for other players. 

Games and Practices

When do you play games?

Games are scheduled during the week.  6U, 8U and 10U+ begin at 6 pm after daylight savings time changes.  12U+ generally begin games at 7:30. Games begin the week after spring break, twice a week with a weekend practice time. Most teams play at least 10 games. We may also schedule tournaments with other leagues on weekends.  These can  be really fun and have a very festive atmosphere.

When do you practice?

Before the games begin, each team is assigned a weekday night practice time, and a weekend practice time ( 2 hour slot for 8U - 14U, 45 minutes - 1 hour for 6U).  The specific times are chosen by your manager at the manager's meetings after teams are formed.  After games begin, each team maintains their weekend practice time only.

Where do we play games?

For 6U and 8U divisions, all games are played at the MAGSA fields, when possible.  Most 10U games are also played at the MAGSA fields but we have typically had 2-3 games with other leagues so these games could be at other locations.  For 12U+, we play more games with other leagues.  This makes it fun for the girls as they get to see different competition.  The leagues we historically have co-oped with are Bear Creek, SBMSA, West University and Oaks Dads Club.

What rules does MAGSA use for softball divisions?

Rules for each division are provided in detail on the coaches pages.

How competitive are games in MAGSA?

We strive to have a competitive league.  With the exception of 6U (T-Ball), we keep score, keep standings, have a playoff and give trophies in the spring.  At the same time, it is common to have first time players at every level. 

My daughter has never played before.  Is it too late for her to start in this league?

Not at all.  We have new players sign up for all age levels each year. 

What equipment will I need to provide my daughter?

The league supplies some basic equipment including batting helmets, bats, balls and catcher’s gear from our donation bin, however you may choose to purchase these on your own. It is provided on a first come, first serve basis. Included in the registration fee are: team jersey, USA Softball Registration, insurance, umpire fees.   You will need to provide:

  • Softball Glove  
  • Softball Face Mask
  • Helmets
  • Cleats
  • Sliding Shorts (recommended for 10U+)
  • Knee Guards (sliders – recommended for 10U+)
  • Softball pants (the coach will let you know color required)
  • Socks (some teams will coordinate colored socks)
  • Softball Bat

Who does MAGSA use for umpires?

MAGSA uses paid quality umpires for 8U, 10U and 12U and 14U.  We believe good umpires are critical games that offer a fun atmosphere, competitive games and a good learning environment.

How do  I know if a game has been cancelled due to rain?

Rain out information will be posted on the MAGSA web site home page the day of the rain out.  Note that often rain outs are not determined until within an hour of the game time.

Sponsorships and Volunteering

How can I help out?

There are many ways!  Each team needs volunteers and your support is key to ensuring a successful league for the team. Your fees do not pay any salaries – we are all volunteers! Here are positions you may consider:  Review and make sure this is applicable to your group…

  • Manager: Total administrative and operational responsibility for your team.
  • Head Coach or Assistant Coach: Primary role is to teach the girls and assist the Manager
  • Team Parent: Administrative right arm of the Manager ensuring that non-operational tasks required are supported and that the league communication loop is open to all parents.
  • Dugout Chaperone: Assist the Manager in the dugout area during games and be responsible to ensure the welfare of the girls.
  • Scorekeeper: Maintain the game records for the team and ensure that the game publicity provides recognition to both individual girls as well as to the team (training available)
  • Field Prep: Drawing baselines and equipment set-up/storage (training available)
  • Sponsor: Sponsorship requirement of $350.00 for each team is needed to offset the expenses of the program not included in registration fees. You or  your company can help by recruiting or being a sponsor.

Are their any specific donation needs?

Monetary donations are great,  but if you have the ability to provide any of the goods or services below, we would be very grateful.

  • Electrician Service - we always need help with lights which is one of our biggest expenses.
  • Field Dirt - field mix (a combination of clay and sand) is required to fill in holes and low spots in the field.
  • Gently used softball equipment for our donation bin to be used by players.
  • Construction for projects around the fields.

Contact Us

Memorial Ashford Girls Softball Association

12900 Westmere Dr, (Behind Ray K. Daily Elementary)
Houston, Texas 77077

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 281-865-5454
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